Life is too short - Let me show you how to have more confidence running your business. You will have more power when you Know Your Numbers!
In the Know Your Number$ and Grow Your Busine$$ masterclass, you will feel more confident in your business! You will understand how to read the story your financial statements are telling you and be able to make informed decisions in your business. i.e. Are your goods/services priced correctly? Are you able to hire the help you need? Are you able to invest in that bigger building? You will also know what are the most crucial numbers you need to measure to grow your business and how to calculate them.
Let's start your 2023 powerfully with more confidence and clarity in your business!
Know your Numbers and see how your money appreciates when you appreciate it
Wish you could wave a magic wand and know your business is on track financially?
Financials are the life blood of any business and bookkeeping habits can make or break your success. Don't stress out over your record keeping, though. Let the process be easy, effortless and fun by enrolling in the Know Your Numbers and Grow Your Business masterclass.
Do you judge how well your business is doing by the balance in your bank account? Many people do and that is not a powerful nor effective way to run your business. Join us in this masterclass and have the power in your hands, clarity and confidence to make the right choices to grow your business.
Know how your business is doing
Your Numbers tell a story, let me show you how to read that story. When your data is current and you Know your Numbers, you have more options and power over how much Profit you will earn and how much Money you will have.
You are not alone!
We've got your back. Join us as we come together as a group and help you feel more confident in knowing how your business is doing.... really doing... and make it easy to understand.
Banish the burden of bookkeeping
Most people delay their bookkeeping, and then it becomes a huge time intensive task to catch up. In Money Dates we will tackle it in small regular sessions so it will be easy and fun!
Enroll in the Masterclass
Mark your calendar for the Know Your Numbers and Grow Your Business masterclass. Mark your calendar and set an alarm to make sure you attend. Bring a notebook and something to write with and take notes. Plan to be there uninterrupted as this is time for you and your business.
Enroll in Money Dates
In Money Dates, we will meet live (not recorded) twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 3pm Eastern and you will be with us for the month of December. In our members only private Facebook group you will get the support you need on this journey, lots of tips, inspiration and we will cheer you on for your breakthroughs.
Get profitable
By showing up for Money Dates and doing these tasks regularly, you will collect your money faster, eliminate unnecessary fees and expenses, know how you are tracking compared to expectations, make educated decisions and be more profitable!
There's No Need to Stress Out About Your Financials, we are here to help you... with Fun and Ease!
Don't be one of the small businesses that fail because they are not on top of their numbers. Winging it or burying your head in the sand just doesn't cut it.
I understand why it falls to the bottom of your ToDo list
I get it -- bookkeeping isn't usually fun and there are other aspects of your business you would rather be doing. And... keeping current with your bookkeeping will give you more power and control in your business and earn more money which is a lot of fun! Join us as I empower you in your business, in a fun way and in community so we get great results together!
You Have the Power
When you Know your Numbers and have your bookkeeping current, you will know if your business is making or losing money with enough time to take actions and change the outcome.
Trending Up or Down?
Keeping current will let you know if you are trending up or down. Is your business growing or shrinking?
More Cash
Issuing your invoices faster and managing them to ensure they are paid timely will bring in your cash faster.
Don't lose deductions or expenses. Invoices and receipts not entered into your accounting system will fade away and often be lost. You may not be able to collect money due to you without receipts. Not paying attention to your bookkeeping can also hurt you by incurring late fees.
Know your cycles
Understanding the cycles in your business will help you anticipate them, prepare for the slow periods and take actions to minimize the effects of them.
why I do it
I’ve been there
I've been there -- bookkeeping can sometimes be a drag. There are many days that I would rather do other things besides bookkeeping. I had a business fail because I wasn't on top of my numbers and didn't see the warning signs. I was busy working hard in my business, doing the parts I loved... creating and selling... thinking that because I was working hard, I would have profits. It was a painful lesson!! Don't let this happen to you!
What they say

Kate P.
Wealth Coach
In spite of being a money coach myself, I had fallen into a habit of procrastinating on bookkeeping and taxes. Nancy’s group helped me tackle my paperwork and get organized. Best of all, it was fun!

Jackie H.
Healing with Jackie
For the first time, I was in a state of empowerment when we went over my financials and could see where I am currently and where I want to go. Knowing my numbers without judgement and with the what's so about it. I now have a blueprint of where I am going, action steps to take and that gave the power back to me.
I am so excited for my options and that I now have the power to choose the life I create.